Employers committed to educational success 

The campaign “Employers committed to educational success aims at raising the awareness and to accompany the Outaouais entrepreneurs with their role in terms of educational successes.  During this period of manpower shortages, we, more than ever, must support this cause to ensure the socio-professional development of the highest number of individuals, and to consolidate the development of a skilled and qualified upcoming generation. 

For young people, getting a job early in their career path can lead them to drop out of school and take up a full-time job. Although this measure temporarily addresses the shortage of workers in certain workplaces that require few skills, in the long term it makes rare skilled labour even scarcer, harming our companies and economy.  Within this context, the employers play an essential role and become the first-line players to foster educational success in the Outaouais region. 

Campaign objectives

The national campaign “Employers committed to education success” essentially aims at:

Getting involved with the cause of educational success in the province of Quebec

Raising awareness among entrepreneurs of their key role in promoting educational success and perseverance

Present different ways to become involved in promoting educational success in the province of Quebec

Inform employers on the advantages to adopt good management practices toward student employees

Highlight examples of known good practices and counsel employers who would like to be accompanied, and to obtain related tools.

What we offer: 

  • Accompaniment in obtaining the “Employeurs engagés” (Committed Employer) title; 
  • Promoting “Committed Employers”  
  • Raising the awareness of students, parents and entrepreneurs to this cause; 
  • And more! 

Target audience: 

Employers and students of the “MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais” 

To see all the Employeurs engagés (Committed Employers) in the Outaouais, visit the directory of the Table Éducation Outaouais

Here are employers from the “MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais”: