Immigration Orientation and Support Program
Through individual meetings and group activities, the “Carrefour emploi des Collines (CEC)” offers services which support, mentor and accompany the new immigrants with the processes of setting up and with their integration.
- To benefit assistance or reference for some immigration processes;
- To obtain the important documents (Health Card, Social Insurance number, driving license, government forms, etc.);
- To find a family doctor;
- To open a bank / financial account;
- To find accommodation (housing);
- To find a daycare service and complete the school registrations;
- To benefit from cultural activities and outings;
- To participate in workshops related to income returns, cultural choc, citizen involvement and more;
- To improve their verbal communication through conversational French workshops;
- To inform and accompany the immigrant people with the various processes concerning immigration;
- To participate in group activities on various themes;
- To promote French conversation through discussion and exchange and/or sharing activities;
- To participate in workshops which allow for meeting people and relieving loneliness and isolation;
- To participate in information sessions related to intercultural relationship so to reconcile both their native culture and the culture of the host country;
- And a lot more.
- The equality and respect of democratic values;
- A warm, dynamic and inclusive environment;
- The understanding of the different realities and needs of women, men and intersecting discrimination by promoting adjusted and suitable solutions;
- Qualified counselors with attentive listening, professionals and assisting personnel;
- A quick individualized service, by appointment;
- Meetings in person and/or online;
- A place which allows for the integration of immigrant people while promoting their participation to the community life;
What we offer:
- During the individual meetings, the counsellor will support your decision-making process and assist you with establishing a realistic action plan for your professional venue.
- Self-awareness;
- Exploring available study domains;
- Entrepreneurship accompaniment;
- Experiments being an employee for a day;
- Experiments being a student for a day;
- And more.
For whom:
- This program is open to the majority of the immigrant people of 14 years old or older who wish to establish themselves or who are already established in the “MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais”, and live in Quebec for less than five years.